Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mathematics results/ comparing flip to pre-flip

Dear team,

Many thanks for your patience.

I have not posted in quite some time as have been very busy with a number of other projects.

However I thought that you might be interested in the following results.

Grade (number) Year 5 2012 Year 5 2013
A 14 13
B 9 15
C 4 0
D 0 0

Of course, the 2012 grades reflect a pre-flipped classroom, whilst the 2013 grades reflect this year’s flipped or blended classroom (a mix of standard face to face teaching and screen casts).

This is just one test, but other results have since come in and are equally pleasing. I will shortly post a comparison between this year and last year’s HSIE results that will lend arguable support to the superiority of the flipped classroom technique over standard face to face.

Of interest I think is the push from a C grade (satisfactory) to a B grade (notably better than satisfactory, but not quite ‘superb’). This result (I think) suggests that these previous C learners are better able to master the content using the screen cast availability.

I’m not sure what to make of the lack of movement from B to A yet.

But, all said, this is but one test. We can analyse further results and postulate together shortly.
Please feel free to comment on the post, or if you would like to discuss flipping the classroom directly, you can email me at

I have also started to consult in NSW primary and high schools with regards to flipping (or blending) the classroom. If you are interested in having me come along to speak to your staff, details can be found here: