Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Learning on Tap

So I want to tell you a story.

It's a pretty ordinary story, but it's actually a bit of a miracle.  

Here's how it starts. I walk into my kitchen and there are dishes to be done. We have all experienced this, right?

So I go to the tap and I push the tap arm up and to the left. And - it’s incredible.

Water comes out.

It just comes right out it gushes out all over the dishes. As much as I want. It's amazing.

Here's what I am not doing.

I'm not carrying a container down to the local water hole each morning in
order to procure water for the day's activities. I'm not doing that. If I want
to shower I am going upstairs to my shower and I am turning the taps
on and as much water as I want comes out.


We take it for granted but it's actually incredible. How does the darn water come from the river to my sink? I don't know. I'm sure some of you know. But I don't know.

But I know this...

The amount of time in my daily life, saved, by not having to go to the
river in order to get water for my day's activities, is significant.

It allows me to do other things.  
It is a significant opportunity cost saved.

For example, instead of going to the river I can play with my son.
Instead of going to the river, my son can go to school.
Instead of going to the river, I can read a book, or build a wall, or build a
next generation computer.

Do you get it? :)

Plumbing took a long time to build. It took a long time, but oh boy!
Was it worth it! And now...we have water on tap.

Imagine we could have learning on tap.

What if, just like water, we could turn on a tap... and teaching could come out. Quality teaching.

Whatever lesson we wanted, whenever we wanted,
wherever we wanted, however we wanted.

What if learning was on tap?

Matt Burns
Flipped Classroom International Faculty
Stage 3 Coordinator - William Carey Christian School
E: mattburns1976@gmail.com

E: burnsm@wccs.nsw.edu.au

Photo credits: 

Dishes: Photo by Scott Umstattd on Unsplash
Running tap: Photo by Imani on Unsplash
Plumbing: Photo by Samuel Sianipar on Unsplash
Electronics: Photo by Nicolas Thomas on Unsplash
Teacher: Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

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